21 Мар

The OpenShot Kickstarter campaign is going strong, and we have now completed 3 full days of fundraising! We have already raised over $3,500, which is over 17% of the goal. The average pledge is around $26, and 71% of our pledges are coming in from external websites (29% are coming from the Kickstarter website ...

18 Мар

Following in the footsteps of other successfully funded open-source projects, such as VLC, Kdenlive, and Novacut, OpenShot Video Editor has just launched it's first ever Kickstarter campaign, focused on raising funds to develop a cross-platform version (Windows, Linux, and Mac), integrate our new & powerful video editing engine, and improve our user interface & ...

17 Фев

The SCALE 11x team caught up with me before the event, to ask me a few questions about the OpenShot presentation, exhibitor booth, and more. If you live in the California area, you should seriously consider attending SCALE 11x.  If you use the promo code "OSHOT", you will save 50% on a full access pass ...

8 Фев

The eleventh annual Southern California Linux Expo is only 2 weeks away, and I hope you have already made plans to attend the show!  It is a great event, with many interesting booths, presentations, demonstrations, and of course, fascinating people.

Register Now for SCALE 11x, and save 50% on full access passes using our exclusive ...

16 Янв

Have you noticed how more and more people are using open-source software to produce music videos? It's always encouraging to see videos on YouTube tagged with various Linux and open-source applications, especially youth produced videos.  Recently, Phil Shapiro gave me a tip about another great Emily Fox music video, produced with OpenShot.  If ...

6 Дек

Have you ever wanted to slow down or speed up a video including the audio?  How about change the speed or direction of a video over time, for example, start at normal speed, and then slowly speed up or slow down the video?  What about reverse the direction of a video over time (forwards, backwards ...

4 Дек

Twas the night before Christmas, four years ago, I released the first screenshots of OpenShot Video Editor on this very blog.  Over the years, many improvements have been made to OpenShot since those first screenshots were taken, however, none quite so dramatic or important as the new video editing library I am currently developing.

Waveform visualizations can be composited over video, with animated colors.
Waveform ...

1 Окт

After many months of hard work and dedication from many great people, I am proud to announce the official release of OpenShot 1.4.3!  This release has more bug fixes, enhancements, and new features than any other release of OpenShot to date!  Please watch our release video and check out the new ...

29 Сен

Take a look at the new OpenShot dark theme called "holo", clearly influenced and named after the Android 4.0 default theme.  Many users prefer dark themes, and previous versions of OpenShot were not specifically designed for dark themes... which resulted in a less than ideal appearance.

But, with OpenShot 1.4.3 (coming very ...