OpenShot Library | libopenshot
This is the complete list of members for openshot::Color, including all inherited members.
alpha | openshot::Color | |
blue | openshot::Color | |
Color() | openshot::Color | inline |
Color(QColor) | openshot::Color | explicit |
Color(std::string color_hex) | openshot::Color | explicit |
Color(const char *color_hex) | openshot::Color | explicit |
Color(unsigned char Red, unsigned char Green, unsigned char Blue, unsigned char Alpha) | openshot::Color | |
Color(openshot::Keyframe Red, openshot::Keyframe Green, openshot::Keyframe Blue, openshot::Keyframe Alpha) | openshot::Color | |
GetColorHex(int64_t frame_number) | openshot::Color | |
GetColorRGBA(int64_t frame_number) | openshot::Color | |
GetDistance(long R1, long G1, long B1, long R2, long G2, long B2) | openshot::Color | static |
green | openshot::Color | |
Json() const | openshot::Color | |
JsonValue() const | openshot::Color | |
red | openshot::Color | |
SetJson(const std::string value) | openshot::Color | |
SetJsonValue(const Json::Value root) | openshot::Color |